Ring Exchange Options

by | Feb 14, 2023 | For YBD Couples

nowIf you are exchanging rings during your ceremony, it’s worth thinking about what these rings mean to you and what you would like to say when you give your partner their ring. Do you see your wedding rings as a gift, a symbol of your commitment, or the bling that shows the whole world you have chosen each other? During your ceremony your celebrant will invite you to place your partner’s ring on their ring finger and repeat some special words for this important moment.


We’ve put together some options for you here but there are unlimited possibilities of what you might want to say. There may be an option below that fits you perfectly. Or you might want to mix up a couple and blend them together. Or maybe this inspires you to create something completely new and different. Make sure you let your celebrant know your preference for your wedding rings exchange…


(Name), I give you this ring
As a symbol of my promise
To always be your partner
Your best friend
Your family
And now your wife/husband


(Name), I give you this ring
As a symbol of my commitment
As an expression of my love
And as a reminder of my vows
To you and to our marriage


(Name), please accept this ring
As a symbol of my love for you
And as a reminder of my promises to you


(Name), with this ring I marry you.
You are my best friend
My soul mate
And now my husband/wife

Wedding Vow Book