5 ways to include your kids in your wedding ceremony

by | Nov 10, 2018 | Ceremony Ideas, Wedding inspiration, Wedding Tips & Info, YBD Wedding Blog

If you already have children, or your partner already has children, it can be really special and fun to include them in your wedding ceremony. Here are a few ideas to get you started…

Flower girls and boys

All you need is a cute little basket and a few extra petals and you’re set. Older kids might be happy to walk on their own, younger ones might want a grandparent or family friend to escort them. They often forget to actually throw the petals and sometimes dump them in a heap all at once, but who cares? It’s still bloody cute and makes for great photos!

Photo by Holly Wallace Photography & Films

Ring warming

Kids of any age can join in on this one – it’s simple, no-fuss and no extra cost. Before you exchange your wedding rings we ask the children to hold them for a few seconds each and think about how much they love you and your soon to be husband/wife. The idea is that this love creates energy which warms the rings up. When you wear these rings every day, they will remind you of the vows you’ve made to each other, but also the connection to the children too. They might not understand it all right now, but they will when they are older and get to look back on the beautiful photos and listen to stories about your wedding day – magic!

Photo by Fluidphoto

Include the little ones in your wedding vows

This can be particularly powerful for blended families where you might want to make promises not just to your partner but also to his/her children about your future married life and family life. Whatever your family dynamic is, including your children in your wedding vows is super special. It can be as simple as just mentioning their names, or you could make specific promises to them based on what’s important to you all as a family.

Photo by Rich Bayley Photography

A kid friendly reading or poem

Including a kid friendly reading or poem adds some fun to your wedding ceremony as well as getting the younger ones involved. It might be a simple quote from a favourite song or movie, a quick poem or limerick, a short excerpt from a kids book, or anything else that is meaningful to you as a family. They’ll be proud as punch to read it on your wedding day – and so will you!

Photo by Williams Photography

A keep sake marriage certificate

Usually kiddies are too young to be your official witnesses but how about an un-official but no less special family marriage certificate that you can all sign? You can keep this forever, frame it and pop it up on the wall at home – a lovely keep-sake from your big day.

If you’re planning your Queenstown wedding and want your children involved in your wedding ceremony then get in touch today to find out more!
